Every parent wants their children to develop critical thinking skills wherein your child is competent enough to do the following:

  • Use their mind to solve a situation and arrive at a conclusion.
  • Decide after looking at all different perspectives.
  • Get involved in the whole thinking process.
  • Consider all the factors like causes, effects and issue of the problem.
  • Develop a long-term vision by thinking about the problem and finding potential solutions.

You might be aware of the fact that the development of the brain is at its peak at the early age of 3-5 years. This is the perfect time to improve your child’s vocabulary and teach them about the names of animals, colours, objects, etc.

Nalanda is one of the best English medium schools in Vadodara that caters to develop cognitive skills in children.

These skills are not only useful for school or work but will help them to manage day-to-day life. Enhancing them is your duty so that they become better decision-makers in the future. We acquaint you with simple tools to develop your child’s critical thinking skills.

5 Simple Tools to Enhance your Child’s Critical Thinking Skills

  • Don’t answer them immediately.

Children are curious about so many things. They want to know about who, what, when, where, why and how. Try not to answer all their questions; instead, ask them to research on their own and question them back: ‘What do you think about it?’

You might get funny, quirk answers but listen to them and brainstorm their minds by throwing random questions and open the door for more in-depth discussions.

  • Motivate them to find an answer on their own.

Children learn a lot at school and will come home with a lot of stories to tell you. Don’t just nod, ask them ‘How do you know?’. If your child tells you that ‘Eating chocolate lead to cavities and tooth decay’, then be quick to ask them ‘How did their teacher know about the same?’. Find the best English medium school in Vadodara that fuels your child’s curiosity.

This will plant a seed of curiosity, and your child will learn to research and come to their own decisions and conclusions. With this, children will learn not to accept anything and everything being told to them for granted.

  • Give them hints.

Children are smart at solving their problems and can solve big issues too. As a parent, you need to fuel their ideas by providing them with different angles and possible consequences to solve the problem. Don’t give them straight answers, instead give them 4-5 ways to solve it and let the final decision be theirs.

  • Be wise in choosing books, movies, cartoons, toys, games, etc.

In the 21st century, the effect of these things is immense. The Internet is a boon for all parents if used correctly. Be smart in selecting highly-rated apps and games along with considering the reviews.

Ensure that the app is educational and will have a positive impact on your child. Make sure it’s safe and doesn’t consist of any violent content — scheduling screentime is a must!

Pro tips: Encourage your child to play outdoors so that he/she learns to explore the real world, instead of the virtual world.

  • Flow with the tide

Never have a structured playtime, let them be free to get their creative juices flowing. Give them wings to come up with new things and games that they wish to do.

Today, children are exposed to so many things that their focus jumps from one thing to another. They have so many things to explore from video games, playrooms and most essential gadgets that they have no room to think out-of-the-box.

Let them follow their hearts!

Are you finding the best English medium school in Vadodara that keeps creativity at the core?

At Nalanda International School, we strive hard to give our children the requisite experiences which would help them think out of the box through art, craft, music, vocals, woodwork and other forms of art. Contact us today!

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